Monday, July 09, 2007

My Next Documentary

I'm now in the planning stages of my next documentary about Lester Roloff, a man who ran children's homes around South Texas from 1954 to 1982. It's a little too soon to start discussing the project, but as of now I'm calling it Roloff's Pier, after the name of one of the homes located on a house boat in the Laguna Madre.

On another note, I had to work a little with the sound on Austin Hwy, so production of the DVD's is still in the works. But I plan to have them ready by the middle of next week. Sorry about that.


Anonymous said...

Haven't seen it yet; Maine isn't cool enough to be screening it anywhere, apparently. Have you?

Anonymous said...

Same here. Christ.

Esteban said...

Heat Vision and Jack

Esteban said...

had you seen it before?

i heard about it from a friend who specializes in such knowledge.

rumor is, a feature film is being talked about.

"my friend jack says the universe is infinite, he says you can travel forever and never reach the edge--

i say the edge is where you find it"

Anonymous said...

Me too! It was incredible!!! Eugene from Eugene!!!

Man was Dieter pissed!

Anonymous said...

I was so happy that Jumbo lived. Fuck Little Hitler, and Walkie Talkie.