In my continuing battle against Facebook and MySpace, I'm encouraging my friends to start blogs. On blogs it's really easy to post photos, videos, stories, poems, links, etc. - and you don't have to deal with ads and banners for credit cards, ring tones and dating sites. Plus it's more fun to post stuff and read other peoples' blogs than it is to update profiles and write on walls.
So to continue motivating people to do this, here are two of my friends' sites:
The Internet is a Map: This blog isn't new, but I just found it. It's by my friend Schuyler and it's hip.
Little Shell: This is Eve's. It took her two minutes to make. That's how easy it is and it's what you should do!
thanks for encouraging your friends/fam...i.e. me, to make the leap from the world, no from the cruel world of myspace and facebook...I think the blog is the hippest way to go out now and I intend on transferring over into the blogosphere universe. Hope you're doing well...I hear you may be coming home for the weekend as am I!! WOOHOOO
done trey...i sent an email to your school address but i don't know if you check that... the url is web.mac.com/bakerwc for now...gonna move it somewhere when i get a chance but that one's good for now. thanks for the inspiration homeboy.
p.s. for the jeep... http://www.quadratec.com/
that catalog rocks ass.
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