Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Goodbye MySpace and Facebook!

As of today I'm hitting the road and saying goodbye to the towns of MySpace and Facebook...

Kind of.

I don't have the guts to completely delete my accounts, but I did remove most of my info and I won't really be checking them any more. Instead, I plan to use all the time I waste on these sites to make videos (the ones I always make in my head and tell Eve and Josh and Lissa about) and post them here.

Adios sitios del Diablo,


Anonymous said...

yes! i am proud of you. can we make the sneezing series when you come back from texas? and slices slices slice and beer every night!

Anonymous said...

you should post the confessional video samantha made, i want to see it!

Anonymous said...

yes i took that picture and ohmygod that's genius. i just happen to have a cat and a treadmill...

Anonymous said...

trey you gave up facebook and myspace but you still have neglected blogging what is the deal, i really miss you!!

Lissa said...

i don't understand why those went to anonymous. oh well. :(